Shipping & Delivery

Order processing time

After you place your order, we will send you an order confirmation email that includes important details such as your order number, order summary, total cost and selected delivery address.

All orders are processed within 1-3 business days from the time of order. A confirmation email with tracking information will be sent once your order has been shipped.

Delivery time

We deliver your order within a maximum of 7 to 15 working days from the date of order. Although we make every effort to deliver your order within the estimated time frame, occasionally due to natural disasters or holidays your order will be delivered the next day. In these cases, we will contact you.

Transportation costs

Standard shipping: $6.99 on all orders.

Change delivery address

We cannot change the delivery address once the order has been shipped. If you need an update, please contact us within 24 business hours of your order.

Received goods but damaged/wrong

If you receive a damaged/wrong order, you must contact us promptly, with photos and in accordance with our returns policy.

Package was lost

If the delivery date has passed and you still have not received your order. Please contact us so we can resolve it quickly for you.

Return to Sender

If your order is returned to us by the postal service. We will contact you to redeliver your order. And we cannot refund you in case the package has been returned to us by the postal service.

Address accuracy

Please ensure that your shipping address is correct and complete to avoid any delays or misdeliveries.

Contact us

Phone number:+1 717-484-0518
Working hours: 8am – 6pm (from Monday to Saturday, Sunday off)